Many of our customers come to us questioning if we can retrofit double glaze their existing aluminium windows – and the answer is yes!
Benefits of Retro Double Glazing Aluminium Windows
There are so many benefits of retrofit double glazing your aluminium windows, with the largest being the initial cost savings over installing new windows. Typically homeowners can save between 30 – 40% of the cost of new windows by retro double glazing their existing windows, which is a huge upfront saving.
After this initial saving, you’ll have the ongoing savings of your house being more energy efficient will take a chunk off your monthly power bill as your heating sources (eg. a heat pump) don’t have to work as hard to heat the house, and the house will stay warmer and dryer for longer. Studies have shown that 50 – 70% of a home’s heat is lost through single glazed windows, so double glazing is a great way to keep warm and keep your utilities bill low.
How Does it Work?
Retrofit double glazing aluminium windows is a quick and simple job and can be done with most existing windows regardless of size or shape. For older aluminium windows, we will remove the existing glass and replace it with new double glazed glass inside your window frames. This keeps the look of your windows and you get the benefits of double glazing. The double glass traps an insulating layer of air in between, and the separation of the two aluminium windows gives a thermal break which removes the problem of heat being lost through the aluminium.
Depending on the condition of your aluminium windows, you may find the rubber seals around the frames have shrunk or torn over time so these may need to be replaced to help with your double glazing installation however this is not a big or expensive job and can be done at the same time as your retrofitting.
Looking at retrofit double glazing your existing aluminium windows?
Talk to us about the available options for retrofit double glazing your aluminium windows. For more information or a free, no obligation appraisal, contact us today.

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Why choose Thermoglaz?
- NWe deliver exactly what we promise
- NWe don't cut corners
- NWe guarantee your double glazing stands the test of time